Monday, January 11, 2016




6 1/3 Cups all-purpose flour (795 grams)

3/4 Cup Sugar

1 Tablespoon active dry yeast

1 Tablespoon Orange - Zest

4 Large Eggs

3/4 Cup Milk

1 Teaspoon vanilla bean paste

16 Tablespoons Butter- softened

1 Teaspoon Salt


Egg Wash

1 each Egg

1 Tablespoon water


Simple Syrup

1/2 Cup Sugar

1/2 Cup water


1 Mise en place all ingredients at room temperature.

2 In a bowl for a stand mixer with dough hook attachment, combine the flour, sugar, yeast and zest, combine completely. With the mixer on low add eggs, milk and vanilla. Beat until the mixture comes together, adjust with milk or flour until it comes together.

3 With mixer on low add the butter a tablespoon at a time, Add salt, beating just until combined. Increase the speed and beat until a smooth and elastic dough forms and pulls away from the sides, until it passes a pane test.

4 Spray a bowl with cooking spray, place dough in bowl, allow to proof in a warm draft free area for 1-1.5 hours, or until double in size. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or over night

5 Bring dough out of the refrigerator to warm up slightly and divide in half. On a heavily floured surface roll out to a 12" x 16" rectangle, Brush with egg was on the edges. Spread the desired filling leaving a 1" border on long side of dough. Starting at one long side, roll up dough, jelly-roll style, and press the edge to seal. Using a sharp knife cut in half lengthwise. Carefully twist the dough pieces around each other leaving the exposed cut facing up. Place in a prepared greased 8x4 loaf pan. Tuck the ends under loaf. Repeat with the 2nd half. Cover and let stand in a warm draft free place (75 degrees) until double in size, about 1-1.5 hours

6 Preheat oven to 350 degrees, Bake loaves for 30 minutes, Cover with foil and bake until a wooden pick inserted in the cent come out clean, about another 30 min.

7 While babka bakes, prepare the Simple Syrup. In a small sauce pan, bring sugar and water to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Pour over the warm loaves while still in pans. Let cool in pans doe 5 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack.


Chocolate Filling (2 Loaves)

1 Cup Semisweet Chocolate Chips

3/4 Cup Butter

3/4 Cup Powdered Sugar

1/2 Cup Cocoa

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

Melt the butter and chip until smooth, whisk in the sugar, cocoa and salt. Let cool to room temperature


Cinnamon Pecan Filling (2 Loaves)

2 Cups Butter

2 Cups Sugar

4 Tablespoons Cinnamon

2 Teaspoons Nutmeg

1 Cup finely chopped Pecans

Combine all in a mixing bowl until fluffy and smooth. 3-4 minutes.